Delete Giporlos Newsletter on Facebook now!

images_(3)25.jpegThis petition aims to solicit the support of concerned citizens of the municipality of Giporlos to delete the unmoderated Giporlos Newsletter page in Facebook.

Giporlos Newsletter is a Facebook page with over 5,700 members with no moderator and responsible content control to filter the influx of fake users spreading malicious, false and libelous content. Clearly, this is a violation of Facebook's Community standards.

For the last six years, it has been a platform for irresponsible Facebook users aiming to spread malicious information to degrade individuals or groups. This, especially has been highlighted during the 2016 and 2019 elections whereby Fake Accounts were used to share libelous and damaging content to defame candidates even on their personal capacities non related to the Elections to the advantage of the parties or individual candidates they were supporting.

Further, a handful of lawsuits and extra-judicial complaints stemmed from this group which led to broken families, friendships and neighborhoods which is a threat to the fundamental structure of a peaceful community.

Freedom of Expression, when used in the wrong way can lead to detrimental repercussions to the community such as this. 

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