Declare Pennsylvania November 2020 Election in Dispute

     We, the undersigned, petition in the strongest possible terms our Pennsylvania Legislature to declare the November 3, 2020 election to be in dispute, due to extreme election fraud.  The Pennsylvania Supreme Court and the Pennsylvania Secretary of State took actions which had the effect of writing law.  The People of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania have only given that authority to the Legislature under the Pennsylvania Constitution. 

     The Secretary of State directed County Election Officials to operate under the guidance of her and the Pennsylvania Supreme Court directives, in effect, changing the Pennsylvania election code in violation of the Pennsylvania Constitution, to include, conducting the collection of ballots in a manner which violated the Election Code - which is the law of the land in Pennsylvania, thus making the election process illegal.  

     The Gettysburg Hearings on Election Fraud, conducted on November 25, 2020 by members of the Pennsylvania Senate, identified significant evidence of election fraud.  That evidence can be found here.                

     Based on the above, we the people of Pennsylvania, petition the General Assembly of Pennsylvania to formally and immediately notify the Congress of the United States in Washington, D. C. that our election is in dispute and not to recognize the vote of the Pennsylvania Democratic Electors as legitimate.


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