Competition in the Waste Disposal Market in North County Dublin

Hi All,

Given the recent announcement by Panda to an increase in charges of 3.80 per lift for the brown bin, assuming that each bin went out every 2 weeks this would add almost €100 to residents waste bills per year.

I have previously contacted competitors and asked if they would be interested in entering the market in Rush/Lusk/North County. I was told this would be considered if there was interest from residents.
This petition is looking to see if there is an appitite from residents in the area to change providers, if there was an alternative provider in the area, to increase competition in the market. Ultimately, it is a business decision however, I will bring the results of the petition to other providers should there be interest to do this.

Cllr Robert O'Donoghue    Contact the author of the petition

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