Co-financing of the Family/Psychological Counseling Center Amica Educa from the Tuzla Canton Government budget

Amica Educa launched an advocacy campaign with which we want our Family / Psychological Counseling Center to be continuously co-financed by the Tuzla Canton Government so that we can continue to help those in need. We managed to survive and operate for 25 years. We need your support now! By signing this petition, show that our work is important and necessary!


Life today is more challenging than it has ever been before: we are in growing poverty and at the same time in a constant race for money. Difficult circumstances lead us to increase of fear, anxiety, worry and depression. The situation has become even worse since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. People are more and more under stress, conflicts are more and more present in families, violence is on the rise as well as the number of divorces, the number of suicides... Children and young people are increasingly engaging in risky behaviors. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, over 30,000 workers in BiH have lost their jobs. When existential fear is added to the already difficult situation, it is clear that the mental health of citizens has become seriously endangered. Unfortunately, the institutions operating in this area do not have enough capacity to deal with such a rapidly growing problem.  


The Amica Educa Family / Psychological Counseling Center is a place where the citizens of Tuzla Canton can receive support and assistance in overcoming psychological difficulties and developing the inner strengths necessary to overcome crisis life situations. We have experienced professionals in the field of psychosocial work and mental health. For the last 25 years, we have been continuously working on psychosocial empowerment of citizens, and in the last 5 years alone, we have directly supported more than 7,000 people and 160 families at risk. Since the beginning of our activities, in addition to providing support, we have been making efforts to provide funds for the continuous work of the Family / Psychological Counseling Center.  


By signing this petition, you increase the chances that you and other citizens can continue to use the services of the Family / Psychological Counseling Center without interruption and receive support when it is needed. By signing this petition, you are helping us so that we can help you.


The initiative was supported within the project "Improvement of social services through strengthening civil society organizations in BiH", 2018-2020, implemented by CARE International in BiH together with CARE Czech Republic, within the development cooperation of the Czech Republic.

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