Closure of Liquor Store and Taverns in Vrededorp

We the residents of Vrededorp, Pageview and Jan Hofmeyer, herewith object to the Liqour and the bottle store on De Leray Street, Vrededorp as well as the taken on 1ST Street, Vrededorp

We as the community of Pageview, Vrededorp and Jan Hofmeyer demand that the Liquor Board reject the application for the liquor licence and Demand the Foreclosure of this Liquor store.

Section 30 (3) of the Gauteng Liquor Act 2 of 2003, sates, “The Board shall grant an application in the case of premises not situated within a radius of five hundred (500) metres in the vicinity of a place of worship, educational institution, similar licensed premises, public transport facility, or such further distance as the Board may determine or as may be prescribed from time to time.”

As the above location is within 500 meters of the New Nation Primary School and Brixton Primary School as well as the Soup Kitchen for the needy on 8TH Street and Kwatcha Day Care centre for children on De Leray Street.

As community we weren't aware suchbnature of business would open Objections would have been Lodged long tome ago just saw Boom Noizy no operation times Tavern Bottle Store operating Old age Units nearby Infridging on the Elderly's rights to their Peace of retirement.

Young girls ar night dressed inappropriately playing their trade and enticement  Robberies cell phone, etc. Revving of cars. Hooting, spinning their tyres. Blocking De Larry Street with their cars. Drunk crossing the road. Vulgar ity, substance abuse. Bottles on the pavement. Urinating against residents walls.

Many acts of violence including murder has taken place at this Liquor store.

There is unbearable volume of music and distraction coming from the liquor store.


We have many school going youth that cannot concentrate on their studies and many old age homes where the elderly cannot take rest because of the sound.


Many youth are being led astray due the presence of this Liquor store and as a community and parents we are concerned for our children growing up in such an environment and going astray because of this Liquor store.

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