City of Tshwane to revert to Agricultural rates until dispute has been resolved.

We herewith request that the City of Tshwane revert to Agricultural rate charges for Agricultural properties until the matter has been resolved in court and at least current litigation surrounding the 2012/13 valuation roll has been finalised.

All arrear charges as of 2012/13 to be reversed and all credit conrol measures in relaion to the change of rates from agricultural to residential to be lifted.

Alternatively the immediate supply of ALL service that residential rate payers are entitled to including but not limited to:

- regular road maintenance and tarred roads

- street lights

- storm water management

- a fire station

- road reserve cleaning and maintenance

- regular visable policing by TMPD

- sewage management

- traffic control

We further request a credit to every account for costs incurred by ratepayers to procure these services themselves for the duration of the period they have been charged residential rates.

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