Carers Allowance should not be meanstested

Carer Allowance should become a standard payment.


A standard payment of carers should not be means tested. 


The economic situation right now, means our government will have to balance the books a bit better, 


Under section 302b of the Social Welfare (Consolidation) Act 2005, it has been decided that I no longer am worth anything.


They decided that I can do a job 24/7 but will get nothing for it, even though I am saving the State a Fortune.


Even though I would do anything and everything for My daughter, but to see it in writing that I am no longer her Carer was heartbreaking and insulting.


I felt very hurt, My daughter has Cerebral Palsy, has a visual impairment, is a wheelchair user and a speech impairment.


She needs round the clock care as she is unable to do much for herself.  Everything we take for granted She  had to be taught over the years. 


They decided that I can continue to work harder than ever only to be told that I don’t deserve Carers Allowance for the work I Do.

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