Dear Mayor Ras Baraka,

We have created this petition as a desperate plea against the recent ban of live music in the Ironbound section of Newark. We completely understand and agree that certain venues in our community have violated with total disregard to all the laws and guidelines created to contain the spread of the coronavirus.
Unfortunately, although these venues have received a one week closure order, us musicians are suffering the greatest consequences as we have been banned from working with no expected date of return. 
Since the beginning of Covid-19, us, local artists, were the first ones to stop working and slowly resumed after four long months, only to once again have our working privileges revoked. Alike everyone else, we have families to take care of and bills to pay and our live performances are our only method of earning money. 
Finally, we urge you to take into consideration revoking the ban of live music in the Ironbound, as we have done nothing to deserve this, and as we are not responsible for the acts of others. We appreciate your attention and thank you in advance for considering our plea. 


Ironbound Musicians 

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