IMG_20200619_152802.jpgHey everyone! We started this petition so why don't we will come to Greece in 2021! We have been waiting fo so long for them to come here and i thought that it would be a good idea to make a petition like this so we can show them how many we are and that they have to come here soon. Our goal is to reach as many signs as possible so this has to be shared EVERYWHERE. I know that they haven't been able to announce their new tour dates because of the coronavirus outbreak but we hope that 2021 will be a better year and that we will finally accomplish one of our biggest dreams. If they come here and do a concert, it will be the best day of our lives and we will finally get to see them live, maybe meet them and meet all our greek limelight friends. We have been waiting for 3 years now and we have tried so hard to bring them here. I really hope that this will help. This petition is made by @whydontweingreece / @katemassouri on instagram. 

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