Bring Rock Music Back To Limelight 2 on Saturday Nights

Limelight 2 traditionally played Rock/Metal/Punk on Saturday nights. Since the reopening of Limelight post covid rock music has been abandoned on their regular club nights. Obviously post covid the bar industry has had some major losses and sometimes tough decisions have to be made but with this change the atmosphere and identity of Limelight has also changed. This petition is not about trashing the current Limelight as there is plenty of amazing live music and plenty of great nights to be had but at every gig the old memories of great nights in Limelight 2 out come flooding back. The purpose of this petition isn't to spread negativity, the purpose of this petition is about showing support for our old Limelight 2 and show Limelight there is still an audience/demographic for old school Limeight.

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