As a team established with unity and love for each other, and as we celebrate our 4 years and 6 months today, we would like to raise our voice to Mr. Abdul and the Monarchs, to please bring back the Abdulistics–the team we have loved for many years, who have been with us in supporting Abdul. Frankly, some of us have felt neglected in recent months and so, we want to raise awareness and some issues about these bittersweet truth to Him in a private way.

We want to be heard!!

Monarchs treated us and his fans the way we want; with equal treatment for each other. Regardless of their position, they are a friend to us and the people we can lean on. They aren't just an admins to us, but also a role model and adviser who keep pushing us to express the best of ourselves.

Monarchs is the only leader and Abdulistics is the only team we want while supporting Him.

But then again, we dont want to fight, pick or be petty with whatever. We just want to have peace and love. We want to continue spreading positivity. We want to bring back the unity in his team by making it TOGETHER AS ONE again; to achieve things together.

Abdulistics Pioneers    Contact the author of the petition

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