Breathe Life into Changes you want to see for our Children and Community

20200921_112321.jpg20200921_111931.jpgBreathe life into changes you want to see for our children and Community 

Attention: The petition was successful! We did it evryone. Thank you for all of your support.

 It has come to my attention that a signal study was denied here in March 2017. It will be eligible for another study March 2020, but if conditions haven’t changed significantly it will probably be denied again. With all due respect I find that unacceptable due to this being a sensitive matter. Once it affects children's and pedestrians overall general safety in an area that they should be safe I'd like to request assistance with making changes to shed light on safety in school zones. I  have gathered 100 signatures from individuals who share the same concerns on this topic. Although it may not be a large number, it should be enough  to recieve a thorough investigation or Survey that will not be denied this time around. I, Mrs. Tionna Morales, am merely a concerned parent of 3 children who attends P.S. 401 and am not pleased with the current conditions surrounding the 2 schools. 

We, as a unified group of concerned citizens would like to see changes implemented at P.S 401’s Christopher Avenue Community School on Christopher and Glenmore  Avenue's and the nearby Betty Shabazz School on Watkins Street and Glenmore Avenue as well as the parks in the area of the two school buildings to ensure everyone's safety. Changes such as but not limited to:

  •  Requesting signage at the school crossing at Glenmore Ave and Sackman St for children and pedestrians because it is met at an entrance for a parking lot. Signage to alert the drivers that are exiting to proceed with caution due to children crossing at that point. (The sign that is present is not visible to those drivers.) No stop sign is present either. the signage and the intersection design are complicated and includes the NYCHA driveway leading  directly into a crosswalk.


  •  Is it possible to request a speed hump or “Reduce Speed,” sign to raise awareness of the school zone approaching ahead at Mother Gaston and Glenmore or wherever the survey conducted sees fit? The intersection between P.S 401’s on Christopher and Glenmore  Avenue's and the nearby Betty Shabazz School on Watkins Street and Glenmore Avenue as well as the parks in the area of the two school buildings are complicated and includes the NYCHA driveway leading  directly into a crosswalk. 
  • Does the intersection become a three way traffic area due to the flow at Glenmore Ave and Sackman St? (This is involving a driveway to a parking lot of NYCHA that is met at a crosswalk for children to gain access to the P.S. 401 Community school.) If so is it possible to add a traffic light to direct the 3 different points of crossing with a traffic camera to monitor activity of the school crossing zone? If the DOT does not have cameras may I still request a traffic light? May we close this entrance/exit to this parking lot and allow vehicles to gain access by utilizing the entrance at the opposite end, redirecting the traffic away from the children/pedestrians crosswalk?


  • Can we request a stop sign at Glenmore and Powell although a signal study was denied here in March 2017. I  am aware It will be eligible for another study March 2020 which is approaching and have 100 signatures of concerned individuals who have the same issue with this area. 
  • Can we request a “SLOW CHILDREN AT PLAY,” sign around Liberty and Christopher Ave indicating the drivers to reduce speed for both the school and
    playground areas? May I submit a request for the yellow diamond shaped graphic sign that shows children on a seesaw, in the immediate vicinity of a playground surrounding both schools. 
  •   Request a stoplight at the intersection of Christopher and Liberty Ave's although a Signal study was denied here in December 2019. I am aware that it will be eligible for another study in 36 months. 
  • Is it possible to provide assistance for stroller's, wheelchair's, Walker's etc while crossing at intersections and crosswalks, such as barriers. It becomes extremely difficult to see oncoming traffic and cars unless you are completely off the curb and into traffic which is a huge safety issue. Stroller's are designed to go in front of the parent placing the child in danger or risk of being impacted first, when they are crossing at the appropriate point but are unable to see or be seen by oncoming traffic. (Due in part to the height of many parked vehicles or other circumstances that may block visibility. ) Is it possible to provide an extension to the sidewalk similar to the bicyclist lanes that have recently been installed? This can potentially provide individuals with disadvantages the opportunity to see and be seen from a safe vantage point. In many states you are required to participate in courses and lessons on driving and safety but where is the course for pedestrians? Whose life is of greater value? Drivers? Pedestrians?Those are both wrong answers. Everyone's life has significant and equal value so why do pedestrians not have equal advantages pertaining to safety? Have you dreaded going to a particular location due to the crossing or actual commute? I myself stopped taking my children to my local library due to crossing in that location. Not only is that an issue that warrants a change it has effected alot. My children now can not experience the joy of being in an actual library, having the pleasure to choose their own books, see all that the library has to offer or check books out on their own. Does that stop them from receiving their books weekly? No but it places limitations they should not exist. ( I am aware that it seems extreme but  requesting for a " Standing Anytime,"  sign on the approach to some crossings to increase visibility just doesnt seem to be good enough. My apologies) Can I  request a "Vision  Zero Borough Pedestrians Safety Action Plan, " to be conducted by both school zones and surrounding communities? (More information provided at THIS IS A REAL SUBJECT THAT DESERVES REVIEW ESPECIALLY BUT NOT LIMITED  TO  ALL SCHOOLS AND THEIR SURROUNDING SCHOOLS AS WELL AS LIBRARIES, PLAYGROUNDS AND ANY AREAS THAT DRIVERS NEED TO USE EXTRA CAUTION 


  • Repositioning the "STOP," sign that is at Glenmore and Christopher Ave. The current sign is facing the Dead End not oncoming traffic to alert drivers to stop. Although it would be extremely unlikely to be approved for an all-way stop due to the fact that dead-end streets generally produce very little traffic it is still a valid request I am making due to a stop sign not existing at that area facing the flow of traffic for drivers to see who are approaching the school area. 


  • Requesting signage to alert the drivers that are exiting the parking lot at Mother Gaston and Glenmore Ave to proceed with caution due to
    children crossing ahead. (The sign that is present is not visible to those drivers.) This is in regards to the speed hump request. 

  • Please feel free to add changes that you’d like to see as well so we may forward our concerns to the Department Of Transportation. My goal is to have the signage updated in addition to adding a few signs that could better service our safety needs by or before the upcoming school year. Your signature signifies supporting changes that need to be made with peace at mind while standing still and firm on the matter at hand. You are the change for your children and Community!