Ban Double Tap Poisoning in Mahia and Demand Safer Bait Execution

69545128-9D1A-4E54-831D-BE2124F932E7.jpegHelp us fight for the ban of Douple Tap pellets being used throughout our beautiful grounds in Mahia. A poison that is comparable to 1080 in its potency is being carelessly spread throughout land that borders many properties in our community. With countless deaths of at least 10 dogs and many cattle intended for consumption, we must demand that Rongomaowahine Iwi Trust follow the basic guidelines and laws to prevent any further animals or young children being killed. It is placed on ground level, in easily accessible feeders with no regard to the laws to protect non target species. With little quality control pellets are being found on residents property's. RIT has been aware of the deaths they caused since March 2024 with no effort to care or do better. Every signature will help in our legal battle to demand for a better and safer Mahia. 

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