Application to expand the Pizza Pub premises/Aansoek om die Pizza Pub-perseel uit te brei

Ladies and Gentlemen, we as the Neighbourhood Watches on both sides of Brighton road has been requested to help facilitate and co-ordinate objections against an application brought by Pizza Pub in Brighton road to expand their current business premises as per letter dated 30 September 2019 by the City of Cape Town. Case ID 70466750.The letter has been received by several residents in the immediate adjacent residential area. The final objection date granted by the City is 04 November 2019.

                                                                                                                                                                                           We as the Neighbourhood Watches maintain a stance of neutrality and do not wish to engage in any debates, mediations or negotiations. We are not propagating against the owners, patrons and employees of the Pizza Pub. We merely serve the community and as in this case we are not a buffer, spokespersons or representatives of any opposing business ventures. We act on request based on safety and security concerns that effects our lifestyles our environment and residencies and last but not least property value.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Main complaints and concerns that has been received are the following:

1. Noise pollution factor.

2. Sex trade

3. Violence

4. Vagrancy

5. Pollution

6. Drug Trade

7. Socioeconomic Factors

8. Welfare Problems

9. Robberies

10. Traffic violations

Depending on your input and williness to be part of this objection effort we will propose a petition to be completed and handed to the authorities before 4 November 2019   

                                                                                                                                                                                            We will open a separate WhatsApp page to keep our Neighbourhood Watch pages free of this topic as soon as enough residents wish to get involved.

                                                                                                                                                                                         Thank You in advance

Dames en here, ons as buurtwag aan albei kante van die Brightonweg is versoek om besware teen die aansoek van Pizza Pub in Brightonweg te help fasiliteer en te koördineer om hul huidige sakepersele uit te brei volgens 'n brief van 30 September 2019 die Stad Kaapstad. Saak ID 70466750. Die brief is deur verskeie inwoners in die onmiddellike aangrensende woonbuurt ontvang. Die finale beswaardatum wat deur die Stad toegestaan is, is 04 November 2019.

                                                                                                                                                                                            Ons as buurtwagte handhaaf neutraliteit en wil nie debatte, bemiddeling of onderhandelinge voer nie. Ons propageer nie teen die eienaars, kliënte en werknemers van die Pizza Pub nie. Ons dien bloot die gemeenskap, en soos in hierdie geval, is ons nie 'n buffer, woordvoerders of verteenwoordigers van enige opponerende ondernemings nie. Ons reageer op versoek op grond van bekommernisse rakende veiligheid en sekuriteit wat ons lewenstyl, omgewing en laastens nie eiendomswaarde beïnvloed nie.

                                                                                                                                                                                                             Die belangrikste klagtes en bekommernisse wat ontvang is, is die volgende:


2. Sekshandel

3. Geweld

4. Rondlopery

5. besoedeling

6. Dwelmhandel

7. Sosio-ekonomiese faktore

8. Welsynsprobleme

9. Rooftogte

10. Verkeersoortredings

Afhangend van u insette en bereidwilligheid om deel te wees van hierdie beswaarpoging, sal ons voorstel dat 'n petisie voltooi word en aan die owerhede oorhandig word voor 4 November 2019.

                                                                                                                                                                                                     Ons sal ‘n afsonderlike WhatsApp blad oopmaak om ons Buurtwag blaaie vry te hou van hierdié onderwerp sodra daar genoeg inwoners betrokke wil raak.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        Baie Dankie Byvoorbaat


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