Appeal to reunite team of 5 million

Dear Rt hon Jacinda Ardern, Rt hon Kris Faafoi,

First of all we all Migrants would like to congratulate you on the victory win in 2020 elections.

As you may be aware that there are many migrants stuck offshore due to border closure. It is our request to you to look at this issue with the urgency these kiwis deserve as a part of our team of 5 million. Many migrants have been left helpless by not having any communication from New Zealand Immigration. Especially those who are stuck offshore. These migrants have invested not only money but their their lives to build New Zealand.

Our requests as follows:

● Allowing us back in the country.

● For those whose visas have expired. Their visas to be re issued once borders open.

● Essential Work visa holders to have some flexibility to work in other industries.

● Backlog of partnership visas to be cleared.

● Quarantine facilities to be increased to protect Aotearoa from Covid19 while enabling members of our team of 5 million on visas re entry into New Zealand in a safe and controlled manner.

● The removal of all Employer Assisted Visas to avoid migrant explotation and breach of New Zealand minimum wage and employment laws.

We believe this can be achieved under a Labour led government. Labour has always been for the workers and most migrants belong to the working class. It’s a request for these points to be looked at with urgency as we who are stuck off shore have suffered through this pandemic and this would help to mitigate these issues.

In Unity,

Migrant Rights Network on behalf of Offshore Migrants

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