Allow WA Citizens To Return Home From Interstate

Sad-borderline-personality-disorder-Woman-In-Depression-And-Despai-63903205.jpgWe live in strange times. We live in a time where our television, our mobiles and laptops are littered with news of a potentially deadly virus, how we've officially entered a recession, and how the future is about as bright as Donald Trump speaking about climate change. However, in my opinion, even stranger still is the fact that one 'Australian' State is denying some of it's own residents entry. Whether to be with family, loved ones, hell it could be to see their dog for all I care. The reason doesn't matter, the fact is Western Australia is unjustifiably stripping the rights of their own citizens for being on the 'wrong' side of the country.

I'm not suggesting WA does away with its hard border, Mr Mcgowan has an election to win of course, and taking away his campaign ammunition would be unthinkable. Perhaps as unthinkable as putting one man's job ahead of thousands of people's mental health, relationships and jobs. No, all I'm suggesting is that WA follow every other state's border models, which have been proven effective. SA, NT, Tasmania all allow for anyone (I'm just campaigning for citizens) to enter their state, as long as they quarantine for 14 days. This policy has left these states destroyed with Covid-19 and it's hospitals full! No, actually, they're all doing fine, and I believe they even have less cases than WA itself. All without denying their citizens the right to come home. 

I have heard countless cases, and personally experienced the lack of empathy that goes into the G2G pass system. One such case was a FIFO worker stuck in Sydney, who has applied 7 times to come home to WA. Only to be told that his mental health wasn't essential, and that he should 'suck it up'. Well I thought this process was in place to save lives? Is there perhaps an argument that mental health deterioration and resulting suicides from some of these measures may be worse than what we're trying to stop?

Imagine being stranded in another state, with no friends or family. Isolated from everyone you care about, your mental health is suffering, your GP and Psycholigist have written you a medical note stating as much. You apply to come home, to repair your life, to not feel alone anymore. Yet a man in a blue uniform has declared your reason laughable. 

This is why I have made this petition. WA residents who have not seen their families, partner's or their own homes are trapped interstate without a way to come home. They are all willing to self isolate upon returning, despite some of these people come from Covid free States. They need you. While we all enjoy our freedoms and the company of our loved ones, spare a thought for the families who are seperated with little justification. 

I am not asking for open borders, I am asking for the basic human right of a Western Australian citizen to be able to enter Western Australia, and quarantine. Therefore virtually eliminating the risk of spreading covid here in WA, but reuniting families, and looking after the mental health of our fellow WA citizens. SA, NT, and Tasmania allow this, and have had zero consequences as a result. It's about time the WA government executed some common sense and showed some compassion for its own people, no matter where they are.

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