Allow hospitality venues to open as workspaces for remote workers

The hospitality industry is on its knees.

We need to make a stand and make it now - so Work Anywhere Hub is lobbying the government to allow venues to reopen on March 8th along with schools.

Across the country buildings lay empty. These buildings could be used as safe spaces for workers. The hospitality industry should not be forced to suffer any more.

If offices are allowed to open then why can’t we?

Work Anywhere Hub proposes that all venues be allowed to open as remote, COVID-safe workspaces. Pub, restaurants, cinemas, stately homes, we all have space to rent and workers do not want to take public transport to travel to work so let us open up as remote workspaces thus reviving our businesses, offering a safe environment for employees in which to work, and offering employers pay per day workspace locations to enable them to cut overheads.

From renting a desk by the hour to a socially distanced interview room by the day, week, month or year, venues the length and breadth of Britain are ready to open up to the workforce.

Lockdown is crippling us, this is a solution. Please sign below to show your support. With 10,000 signatures, petitions get a response from the government. With 100,000 signatures, our campaign will be considered for debate in Parliament.



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