Adjusted Marking and Consistency for future NCEA exams



We, the NCEA Level 2 students, are requesting an "adjusted" marking schedule for this year's Level 2 math exam. Many students found this year's exam particularly difficult due to a lack of consistency with past papers.

This lack of alignment between the exam and our preparation materials has impacted our ability to perform well. The sudden change in question structure rendered many students' study efforts ineffective, despite dedicated preparation, making it difficult for us to showcase our true abilities.

We acknowledge that exams will naturally vary in difficulty each year; however, consistency in question style allows students to prepare effectively and rewards those who put in the effort. When the structure changes unexpectedly, it makes it challenging for students, including the most diligent ones, to adequately prepare for the exam.

Thus, we believe it is only fair that the marking schedule for this year's exam is adjusted to reflect the increased difficulty.

We also call for consistency in future exams to ensure that what we are tested on accurately reflects the curriculum and resources provided throughout the year.

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