adam5.jpgAdam Kadmon is the pseudonym of one of the world’s most experienced authors, writers and consultants on topics such as esotericism, occultism, history of religions, conspiracy theories, ufology, paleoastronautics, astrophysics and alternative information, appeared online for the first time in 2005.

Mentioned by the New York Times, he also has a blog followed by US military forces stationed in the Atlantic Ocean.

He published in 2013 the best-selling book Illuminati, the best-selling non-fiction book of its publisher, in 2016 Lux Tenebrae, another title entered in the non-fiction chart, in 2018 Babylon 777, an in-depth text on the esoteric organizations that still exist, in 2019 the prophetic book Apocalypsis 616 that anticipated the chaos that was about to hit the planet, in 2020 Malamundi, arrived in less than a year in three editions, and finally his latest work the novel Uncensored - Adam Kadmon’s Secret Diary, already best seller, and was first in the pre-order and 44th in the general ranking in November 2021 on Amazon.

Broadcast from 2009 by Radio 105 and then from 2011 until 2016 protagonist of the cult TV programs "Mystery" and "Adam Kadmon Revelations".
The author’s theories, although published in unsuspecting times and always presented by him as "fairy tales", are now increasingly reflected in reality; from recent news that confirmed the existence and real danger of climate change, the pandemic from SARS COV-2 (COVID-19), illegal espionage against the population by major social networks, to secret societies attempting to manipulate political organisations and the world of communication, to racist and violent organizations that want to take power taking advantage of chaos, esoteric symbologies hidden in the mass media and much more.


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    2) Share the petition with relatives, friends and acquaintances to have more chances of success and take the first step to change Italy!

    Because as Adam would say:

    "Every Creature has the right to Serenity, without depriving ANYONE of Freedom, Dignity or Life: neither for reasons of State, nor for religions, nor for any other reason. The System, even the most powerful and untouchable, is made of Persons. Therefore, if Persons improve in Good and Peace, the System also improves. And the first real improvement starts with ourselves. A Hug (Adam Kadmon, writer)"

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