Abingdon residents want 2 hours free parking

This is a petition against the recent changes to the parking in Abingdon.

From the 1st April 2022 residents will no longer have 2 hours free parking they will only have 1 hour free parking in Abingdon car parks. This is a detrimental step by the council for the Abingdon residents and businesses.

Many people use the car parks, then walk dogs, use the play areas, use the outdoor pool, followed by coffee and eats or shopping, the new parking charges will not allow people to do these activities within one hour. These facilities and retailers will suffer as a result of the car park charges. 

Retailers have already suffered through the Covid epidemic, the council should be doing all they can to support the retailers and to create a vibrant town centre. They should be encouraging residents to use the shops, cafes and restaurants, these new charges will not do that. One hour free parking is not enough. 

All who have signed this petition object to the changes in the car park charges. We would like the council to re-think and allow the residents two hours free parking.





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