A police station in Wallsend

The Case for a Police Station in Wallsend

Given the numerous benefits that a local police station can bring to a community, there is a strong case for reopening a police station in Wallsend. By having a dedicated facility in the town, the police can better respond to local incidents, engage with the community, and build trust and cooperation with residents.

Furthermore, the presence of a police station in Wallsend can contribute to the overall wellbeing of the community. By providing a sense of safety and security, residents can feel more confident in their daily lives, which can lead to increased community engagement, improved mental health, and a greater sense of pride in the area.

Additionally, the reopening of a police station in Wallsend could create local jobs and stimulate the local economy. The station could serve as a hub for community initiatives and partnerships, which could bring people together and foster a stronger sense of community spirit.


In conclusion, the return of a police station to Wallsend is essential for ensuring the safety, security, and wellbeing of the community. The numerous benefits that a local police presence can bring, such as prompt response times, strong community relationships, and a visible deterrent to crime, cannot be overstated. By investing in a police station in Wallsend, local authorities can demonstrate their commitment to the community and work towards creating a safer, more secure, and more prosperous town for all its residents.

   Thank you, Krissy Taylor

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