External Review of Wests Tigers Operations

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New petition calling for review of Holman Barnes Group

2024-12-28 11:35:52

Thank you for your support, what we achieved with our first petition created massive change at the Wests Tigers.

Now we need your help again.

After a year of negative headlines, in-fighting, not implementing all review findings, and interference in the running of Wests Tigers, we are calling for a review of the governance of Wests Tigers majority owners, Holman Barnes Group (HBG).

Please support our new petition to help our club grow and be prepared for the modern era.


Wests Tigers Podcast


2023-08-30 09:13:12

Wests Ashfield board have discussed our petition stating the need for an independent review and some progress has been made with the idea being received positively. Not much else to report at this stage. They will report back to us again, possibly next week.

Wests Tigers Podcast

Petition Update

2023-07-22 09:00:15

Thank you all for signing the petition. We have had a preliminary meeting with the club and they are welcome to accepting our petition. Please keep promoting the petition to any other disappointed Wests Tigers fans that you may know. People power is going to be needed if we are going to get this club moving forward with a review.

Wests Tigers Podcast

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