Lift Capacity Restrictions in Dallas Diocese

Contact the author of the petition

Last Push to gather signatures!

2021-03-07 04:08:30

Dear fellow Catholics,

Please help me make a last outreach to other Catholics in our area to sign this petition. It is even more important now, considering the recent response by our bishop. 

I will leave the petition up for ONE MORE WEEK, and then send it to the bishops office. 

Help me spread the word anyway you can! Maybe you can:

  • Email your contacts
  • Make small notes with the petition link that you could put on cars in church parking lots
  • look up email contacts of others at other parishes to send this to

Thank you and blessed Lent to you all,


Kimberly Walters

Kimberly Walters

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  • Share the petition on your Facebook wall and in groups related to the topic of your petition.
  • Contact your friends
    1. Write a message where you explain why you have signed this petition, since people are more likely to sign it if they understand how important the topic is.
    2. Copy and paste the web address of the petition into your message.
    3. Send the message using email, SMS, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Skype, Instagram and LinkedIn.