City of Glasgow for the Royal National Mòd 2015
Contact the author of the petition
Update re: Mòd Ghlaschu 2015
2011-10-03 17:34:45Dear supporters for Glaschu 2015,
I had a meeting on Friday with An Commun Gàidhealach - the organisation
behind the Royal National Mòd. They were impressed with the work that had
been put into the campaign to date.
The venue has already been selected for 2015 now and will be announced in a
couple of weeks. It will not be Glasgow. However, this said, there is an
opening to make a proposal for 2016, 2018 or 2019. I am confident that
Glasgow will have the Royal National Mòd return.
The next stage of this campaign is to work with the Glasgow Branch of An
Commun Gàidhealach on putting forward a proposal and working with the local
organising committee for Paisley's Mòd in 2013. This work shall commence
after this year's Mòd in Stornoway which begins on the 14th.
For details on this year's Mod: .com/ and
Thank you all for your support to date.
Taing mhor!
Jamie Wallace
Sgrìobh mi Litir ri John Morrison CEO aig 'An Comunn Gàidhealach'
2011-08-10 23:48:02Tha mi ag iarraidh a ràdh "Mòran Taing" airson ur ainmean air an athchuinge agam. Tha mi a' sgrìobhadh ri John Morrison CEO aig 'An Comunn Gàidhealach'. Cuiridh mi lethbhreac a-maireach (11.08.11) air agus bidh ceangal air duilleag Facebook
I would like to thank all of you for signing my petition to help bring the Royal National Mòd to Glasgow in 2015. I am currently writing to John Morrison, the CEO at 'An Comunn Gàidhealach' who organise the event. I'll post a copy of my letter on and I'll post a link to it on the Facebook page here by tomorrow (11.08.11).
ps - I won't take offence if you drop me a line to correct my spelling, grammar or choice of phrases for my future reference!
Jamie Wallace