502 Producers & Processors: ACT NOW! Sign this Petition to the LCB!
Contact the author of the petition
Act Now! Stand Up for Cannabis Farmers in Washington!
2016-03-23 01:14:47Dear Friend,
You are receiving this because in early February you signed a petition to endorse a paper I drafted entitled Notes & Comments on the Proposed WAC. In presenting that petition to the LCB, the Cannabis Farmers Council (CFC) requested the Board "to reconsider some of its proposed alterations to the WAC . . ., and to allow for the prepaation of another draft for review and public comment . . . ." This is EXACTLY what the LCB has done, and we now anticipate a set of revised rules to be issued late this month. The LCB is listening to you!
As many of you know, the CFC is submitting another petition to the LCB, this time addressing the most pressing issues identified by cannabis farmers all over the state, but that could not be raised within the narrlow context of the 2016 Draft WAC. These concerns have been placed in the form of a Farmers' Proposed 10-Point Action Plan. We already have just over 200 signatures on this petition, but we really need more to drive our points home to the LCB.
If you have not already done so, please check out the petition at this link:
I am also pleased to report that The Cannabis Alliance officially endorsed the statments and requests made in our petition, and many of its members have signed as individuals as well.
The 10-Point Action Plan covers the following:
- Lift or Relax Caps on Retailer Licenses
- Increase Lot Size for Testing Purposes
- Eliminate or Reduce Quarantines
- Address Traceability System Porblems (BioTrack)
- Provide Additional Education & Guidance to Licensees
- Form a Cannabis Advisory Council
- Involve Farmers in Discussions re Pesticide Control & Lab Testing
- Prepare a New Small Business Economic Impact Statement (SBEIS)
- Post online all public comments received by the LCB
- Arrange for phone-in Access to LCB Meetings
If you are in general agreement with the points raised, I ask that you sign the petition to let the LCB know that these views have the widespread support of many farmers and other stakeholders (other licensees, their employees, supporting businesses, consumers, etc.) in the cannabis business sector. When signing, you are encouraged to use the Comments Section of the Petition24 website to add other concerns and comments, or just to put your own spin on the points raised. The important thing is to let your voice be heard.
The petition will be closed for signature tomorrow, or perhaps Thursday, so time is of the essence.
I hope you will continue to support the cannabis farmers in Washington by signing this petition, and by encouraging as many others as possible to sign it.
Apologies for any duplication of effort that may result in multiple emails to you requesting the same thing, but I believe it is in our best interests to make every effort to obtain as many signatories as we can. I hope you will agree.
Thank you for your past support of cannabis farmers. We are depending on you to continue that support by signing this petition.
With best regards,
Gene Flynn
Managing Member
Canna Herb Farms LLC
Gene Flynn