2024, Playmobil's 50th and Novelmore's 5th Anniversairy: Sir William Keene

On the 4th of November 2020, the first episode of PLAYMOBIL NOVELMORE THE SERIES was released on YouTube. 26 episodes of 11'15" each full of pure goodness. Now, 3 years later, we go back to the start... back to 2019... Back to the start of Novelmore. When there was only a preview video of Sir William Keene in the Novelmore library. He was writing as he was the storyteller. In the book he was writing we saw the map for the first time, the map of Novelmore. With all of the 5 realms, each in it's own colour. Back then our fantasy started to grow and we were so curious what this world would be called like and how it was going to look! In the first episode we saw Sir William Keene, just like other episodes after that. Even tough he had only a small role, he was the start of what we knew about Novelmore.
At the release of Novelmore in August 2019, Sir William Keene was not included in one of the sets and now, November 2023, he still isn't.
That's why, I have this suggestion. In 2024 we celebrate the 50th anniversairy, but also the 5th anniversary of Novelmore. In August 2024 it has been 5 years since the first set has been released and it is as succesfull as ever!

Because of these 2 celebrations, I have made this petition, to release Sir William Keene, as PLAYMOBIL-set in 2024! For 50 years of Playmobil, 5 years of Novelmore and many more to come for both!
Please sign the petition and share it with as many people you know!Screenshot_20231106_215937_YouTube3.jpg

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